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Author: adminq

"Let go, don’t bite." Gu’s thumb wiped the blood from her mouth, but Liu Zhuanghe still didn’t let go. He bit his lip and bit his teeth deeply. Some blood flowed down her mouth and into her neck. Her body trembled slightly because of too much force.

Gu boss saw that she didn’t let go and provoked her, so she kissed her without wanting to. Liu Zhuanghe looked at this enlarged face…

Ice spirit grows in the center of the iceberg near the surface. It doesn’t know where it comes from or where it is going. It doesn’t even mean anything to itself.

Ye Fenghua absolutely believes that Bing’s intuition is that at that time, she promised the patriarch and Shaojin that things had to be done. What’s…

Sister Mo, brother of Tuoli, since you are relatives of Master, you must persuade Master to let him not go to Mu Yunqi! Master can’t leave Tianshan for more than a month … "

Sheng Qing looked at Tuoli and Mozihan anxiously, hoping that they could persuade Sheng Lingtian. Sheng Lingtian can’t do Tianshan things. They already know that…

On July 29th, Tsar Da’s general mobilization made Tsar’s cousin Kaiser immediately stop his North Sea trip and begged the Tsar, "Don’t take reckless action, I beg you!" Nicholas II was moved by his request to withdraw his general mobilization order, but he still partially mobilized Austria-Hungary.

On July 29th, George V ordered the world’s most powerful British fleet to prepare for war. On July 3o, the Tsar’s re-mobilization made Germany’s request…